Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Reasons Why De'Aaron Fox Fits in Chicago

(this is not De'Aaron calling a play out, he is telling Ball he is a straight up punk)

So why would the Bulls continue to debate moving a perennial All-Star in Butler for Fox in this draft (even after Wades franchise defining choice to be paid as apposed to being a real competitor)? Even with casual spectators crying about Fox's lack of Steph Curry like shooting ability.

Fox has numbers that understate his NBA potential. At only 19 he already possesses the elite athleticism/speed that is lacking in the league today. Length (6'7 reach) , undisputable basketball IQ and prides himself on playing both ends of the floor with maximum effort.
Fox has a competitive nature that is unmatched in this draft, put a wall in front of him and he will not only get over it effortlessly. But turn around and break it down for his fellow teammates to enjoy similar success.

Hoiberg's system is reliant on a fast pace and being able to push the ball to the rack, collapsing the defense and opening up shooting lanes for proven shooters/spacers. A true point guard like Fox is the envy of every team in the NBA. The minimal talk about him being a potential All-Star is almost concerning.

In a draft that has clouded everyone's judgement due to Fultz's increased stats on a college team that couldn't manage 10 wins on the season. As well as  Lonzo's father hyping him up and putting him in a Lakers jersey as a Magic Johnson next coming, prior to even entering the NCAA tournament.

Fox out preformed both head to head and has the killer instinct only found in the most elite players. At only 19 years old this young man will be the "draft re-do" unanimous #1 pick five years from now. If I'm wrong I will gladly deactivate my account and detract all of my prior opinions/takes on the NBA. But mark my words to pass up on him as well as multiple future assets, with potentially a direct Butler replacement in a only 20 year old  Jaylen Brown would be a haunting decision.

Jimmy Butler is criticized by those who only watch the playoffs and about 10 games a year. That sample alone would be enough for anyone who understands the current NBA structure to see that what Jimmy lacks in given skill, he more than makes up for with effort, heart and fearlessness. Butler is in the top 5 in clutch baskets with the game on the line in the NBA since his arrival. Will he ever knock down 8 3pt attempts in a game. Probably not but his unmatchable work ethic makes anything and everything possible with this still fairly young mans future.

With all of that being said it is hard to argue with whatever direction the Chicago Bulls decide to go. Not having Butler on the 2017 roster will keep the Bulls out of the playoffs potentially. As he single handedly carried them to the 8th seed down the stretch.  Ignoring inner conflicts between fellow alpha Rondo and head coach Hoiberg. As well as stepping up in the absence of Dwade (elbow injury) and biggest of all the trade of the Chicago favorite and key playoff piece in Taj Gibson. Some could speculate that the Bulls decided on making the NBA draft lottery as apposed to the playoffs with their moves. But if that were the case Butler was either not sent the memo, or completely ignored it after reading it. The second option fits JB's personality more realistically.

If you cannot already tell I am a life time Butler fan, and even a trade to Cleveland (unlikely) would pose me with an ultimatum. BUT the potential trade with Boston for a good young prospect haul does not have to be the end of the legend of Jimmy Butler in Chicago. By trading Jimmy the Bulls can enter potentially the quickest turn around/rebuild in NBA history. By getting Fox, Brown and all other future potential picks. With a Dwade departure eminent between letting him go in FA or retirement in 2019. It would give the Bulls arguably the best young core and rebuilt culture. While freeing up a lot of cap space with multiple key pieces on rookie contracts, the Bulls could then focus on a Butler welcomed return to Chicago in 2020. All that could be talked about and put in action prior to a draft night trade. Giving Butler the chance to contend and acquire valuable deep playoff/championship experience. That would be crucial to a taking a 24 year old and younger team into real contention.

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