Thursday, June 22, 2017

How the Dominos Could Fall on Draft Night for the Bulls

With all the potential things that could happen tomorrow (June,22nd) on draft night, what is supposed to be a generally short read could turn into a "Harry Potter" novel if we covered everything. But I will keep it as short and to the point as possible, for the sake of your enjoyment and my "valuable" time.

With Hoiberg's contract outlasting Butler's by a year and Jimmy's lack of respect for the still college level coach (unless Jimmy were to take his third year player option under twenty million, which only happens on a truly contending team, as JB wants to bet on himself and cash in AGAIN). The Bulls are silently auctioning Butlers two year "super team" friendly contract off to the highest bidding contenders and young teams devoid of a veteran star power. Jimmy brings that to the table at the prime of his career with one of the best proven All-Star contracts available in the NBA. This potential move that some feel is inevitable and I feel is necessary given the current cap space and culture of the Chicago Bulls.

Covering the long chain reaction that could follow the trade of a top 10-15 player in the league, in his prime,on a contract that gives short term flexibility and long term availability. Is where this conversation has to start as it would put into affect the attempts at rebuilding with only one year of intentional/unintentional tanking to compliment the young core the Bulls would then be in control of. The idea of no shot at making the playoffs is not something the supposed money driven aspects of the front office welcomes. But with the lack of competitive nature within the Eastern Conference, as well as most teams years away from possible contention. With a trade that compensates JB's value equally or substantially and not just dealing to deal could begin a much needed culture rebuild. That would not only give needed evaluations to the 25 year old core (minus Wade and Lopez) and younger to decide who is needed or disposable.

My theory since the initial rumors of the Boston and Philly trade for the #1 overall pick in the draft (Fultz). That did start with multiple sources saying the Bulls were a 3rd team involved.
Boston has been trying to steal Butler from the Bulls before reaching this point of his potential for going on over two full seasons. Garpax has given their returned initial asking price in said conversations, with as little as your starting core and several future picks "he is all yours". Making it clearer in negotiations than they have ever made it publicly,  how much they truly value Butler and his ever growing potential. This list proves both teams assertion of his future dominance in this league.

Chances are the Bulls front office scared some soil into the pants of the first year President of Operations Bryan Colangelo in Philly,with their guaranteed idea of over compensation between the three teams. Which is where Boston knowing how out of this world the Bulls front office can be to negotiate with. Took the minor deterrence in their ultimate goal of getting Butler into their own hands, trading the idea of a franchise player in Fultz who would push Isiah Thomas out the door next year when his friendly contract of roughly 6 million expires. Getting the #3 pick and the Lakers 2018 pick with protective restrictions (unless picks 2-5 overall, they then receive the Kings 2019 unprotected first round). Giving their 5'8 point guard who will be close to 30 at the end of his deal, all the motivation and confidence to perform at the same or elevated level he did last year.

With the reports of the Celtics targeting a second 20 year old SF in back to back years with consecutive #3 picks (Josh Jackson out of Kansas). Between "not having enough time" for a pre draft work out after the trade was finalized. Jackson also encountered giant red flags off  the court, issues from destruction of property charges involving an underage drinking altercation that could've resulted in a domestic dispute or greater. To being a "witness" (along with several other Kansas basketball teammates) in an alleged sexual assault at McCarthy Hall on the night of December 17th which I was unable to find further information on.

This screams old school, hush hush dealings. I feel there has been a contract in writing since the beginning of the supposed three team deal between Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. Further explaining the rather odd restriction on the Lakers 2018 pick, and lack of waiting the trade out for even more assets. As uncertainty leads to fear of losing your main target (Fultz being Philly's), and increased offers.

With all this assumed purely on gut instinct with far stretched connecting of dots, I feel this trade is only pending Chicago's "guy" being there at #3. For the sake of Chicago and my ever growing thirst for a franchise defining point guard, after a legends story was scrapped due to his body failing him(Derrick Rose). I hope that "guy" is De'Aaron (@swipathefox on twitter) Fox.

Only things potentially hindering this logical, necessary deal are. Ainge's love for extra assets in a trade with the Kings for both 5&10 in this years draft. As their fan base and front office are thirstier than I am for a player with the potential and character of Fox. After dumping a star like Cousins for minimal assets due to ego/character flaws, while avoiding giving the Bulls their first round pick this year (owed from Deng trade still if not falling 1-10). Or the Phil Jackson continued alienation of his star players putting "the Unicorn" Kristaps Porzingis in possible trade talks. (contract is as follows).
Making Zinger arguably the better asset to chase given his age of only 22 on August 2nd. For those with only a short memory, Porzingis was taken 4th overall two years ago in the 2015 NBA draft by Phil Jackson and the New York Knicks. Phil ignored the very loud disapproval from surely an opinion casted by mainly a casual fan base given the Knicks recent "success". Kristaps quickly gave the fan base every reason to approve Jacksons only successful move as Head of Basketball Operations. Phil is likely just posturing to prove to the very young international player that in America, business is king. As he attempted to do by not bringing Zingers closest connection to the organization back.

If Phil can dump the Noah contract in a Porzingis trade up into the top 5 of the draft, or an approved Melo move. He may bite the bullet and let his still fully unproven 22yr old star on a very appealing contract to rebuild around go, to cut tensions and frustrations in New York. But I see it unlikely Phil finds a price good enough to move an asset like that only due to Kristaps acting like a child in a mans business after two years in the NBA and a contact as team friendly as that.

I could be connecting too many dots that only exist in my mind, where Fox (19) and 20 year old Jaylen Brown in my eyes are undercutting Butlers potential trade value but offer enough upside with their age and work ethic to make the deal. Any extra draft picks would only allow the Bulls to have potentially two 1st round picks in upcoming drafts until 2019. Next years potentially both being top 5 unless the Lakers get Paul George this year via trade as apposed to hoping he keeps his word and joins LA for free of everything but a max contract in free agency.

If a Butler trade of any capacity is made, expect the Bulls to shop proven veteran center in Brook Lopez for a late 1st or early 2nd round pick. Given his reliability and two year contract the Bulls would greatly benefit from adding another asset to their draft day list. For either the back end of their roster or "Gatorade League" development with two way contracts coming into play next year. As not making the playoffs at all costs (the first year) would be key to the fastest rebuild possible. While letting the young talent gain as much experience as possible against NBA competition.

There is only the unlikelihood of a Butler trade not happening, due to the right offer not being presented by any of many NBA teams that'd kill to have Butler on their team for two years for as cheap as his contract is. Then the Bulls would likely take their everlasting safe approach to building the team by taking older ready to contribute players with their guaranteed 16 and 38th picks as things currently stand. Which would really show a "direction" (deepest sarcasm intended) this team needs more than any player or amount of money could correct.

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